
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Teach the children well

In addition to loving the heck out of their kids, moms need to pass on all kinds of information to their precious offspring. Important info about faith and values. Info about how to handle a budget and do laundry and cook basic meals. Info about manners and not wearing white shoes after Labor Day (yes, this is still a rule). And of course, lessons about good music.

My kids may not know how to cook and the instructions on sorting the laundry have gone out the window at college. But one of my dear babies caught the music lesson and I couldn’t be happier.

Last week, Amy called to say she was in the Christmas spirit. Apparently, she missed the lesson about not starting Christmas before Thanksgiving… I was about to read her the riot act about not missing the joys of the November holiday when she said, “And the first Christmas album I listened to was Amy Grant’s A Christmas Album!"

Be still my heart! She did listen to me!

Since that album came out in 1983, it’s the first Christmas music I’ve listened to each Friday after Thanksgiving. Sean has graciously accepted this Christmas music rule, so hearing the beautiful chords of Tennessee Christmas and Emmanuel and Love Has Come are the first sounds my family has heard on Black Friday for lo, these many years.

My babies may have to learn to boil water in their own apartments, but they will never forget the correct music to start the Christmas holiday season. And that’s a lesson that will never go out of style. Just like not wearing white shoes after Labor Day. 
She's found my, "Stuff I should get rid of but can't" box and is now the proud wearer of my treasured Unguarded tour sweatshirt. She said the last time she wore it, someone stopped her to say she loved the sweatshirt. "How old was she?" I asked. "Old. Like you." Good thing I love that girl.

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