
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you

In the last seven years I’ve traveled to Whoville, Scotland, Prince Edward Island, Oz, a poultry farm, Penzance, the bottom of the ocean and Egypt and all without leaving Lansing. I visited those places on the stage of the Charlotte Performing Arts Center as I worked as the production manager for Homeschool Performing Arts. And I loved it! I absolutely loved working with the cast members – being with these middle and high schoolers has given me hope for the country. These are quality kids. And they’re so great because they come from such great parents, who I’ve also had the privilege to work alongside.

But all good things must come to an end, and my time with HPA is over. I will not be returning to my role as production manager in the fall. HPA is undergoing a restructuring of its production staff and the role I previously filled has been changed. Neither of the positions I was offered felt like a good fit for me. So with great sadness I let the director know I’d be stepping down.

The good thing is no one is irreplaceable. I know they’ll find wonderful folks to fill the new spots. I certainly hope and feel confident those who are cast in this year’s production will support whatever new staff is introduced. (But I won’t object if you miss me just a bit!)

It seems fitting that Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was my final production. In the midst of Joseph's trials, God’s plan was not clear. But in the end, Joseph was able to see that everything that happened God used for good. I don’t know what lies ahead for me, but like Joseph, I want to trust that the Lord has it all figured and I will do my best to follow where he leads.

Here’s a big ol’ thank you to all the cast members, parents and staff I’ve worked with over the last five years. You have blessed me in ways you don’t even know. It was a pleasure to work with each of you.

I leave with fantastic memories of wonderful people. I looked back at my pictures and couldn't help but post some from the past eight shows I’ve worked on. Hope they bring back wonderful memories for you – they certainly have for me.

Seussical (2010)
Andrea as Mrs. Mayor and Michael as Mr. Mayor.
The Seuss orchestra with Sean conducting.
The Green Who family with tiny Rebecca and her tall hair.
Amy in the front as the frog - check out that green swim cap!

Brigadoon (2011)
Me with Sarah Grace, choreographer extraordinaire and Irene, the first production manager I worked with. Two gems right there.
Michael's in the back in the red hat.

The Beaton clan.

My sister wives, Lily and Liesel with Sean.

Anne of Green Gables (2012)

Rebecca H. as Anne, Amy as Diana.

Drunk Diana. Loved this one. And no: I did not teach her how to do that.

The Anne cast during devotions.

The Wizard of Oz (2012)
The Lullaby League: Rebecca, Rebekah, Annika, Gianna and Rebecca.

Amy, Amber (Glinda) and Jillian.
Elizabeth as Auntie Em and Michael as Uncle Henry.
The Oz orchestra.
Dan, Caleb (Tin Man), Christian (Lion) and Justin (Scarecrow).

Honk! (2013)
Rebecca, as Fluffy the Duckling, far right.

Amy as Dot - this is one of my all-time favorite scenes.
Nathan (Greylag) and Amy - love hearing them sing together.

Dan, Honk!'s director.

Pirates of Penzance (2013)

Sean with yet another stellar pit. Man, he is good. And cute.

Amy as a policeman.

Backstage with Kyria.
Titanic (2014)
Me, my trusty clipboard, Amy and assistant director Elizabeth. 
Laura, John D., John C. and Sean.

Tarah, Rebecca and Ashton.
Joe and Amy.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (2015)

Me with Rebecca T. and Amy D. I really love this one.

Trina and Sierra with me during announcements.

Rebecca, far right, helping Micah.

Rebecca in her green go-go dress. 

Me matching the Storytellers.

Rebecca and Amy
Love you people!

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