Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Random Thoughts: Summer Style

Amy drove with me to get Rebecca and we got to see
Abby, too! Great morning all around.
Rebecca is home from camp! No more couch for me - I slept like a rock last night in my own little bed!

We haven’t told her yet that she’s not allowed to leave again. Ever.

Dakota was very happy to see her. He followed her around yesterday, apparently forgetting the LAST THREE WEEKS when I fed him and threw his duck for him and slept on the couch for him.

Having a dog is not terribly unlike having a baby…

I find myself telling Rebecca what we did with the dog. I feel like a babysitter checking back in with the parent. So far it does not appear that we did anything terribly wrong.

Amy is also home after her time in CMU’s touring company. It’s good to have her home. And by, “have her home,” I mean, “sleep here.” She is one busy girl.

But now that she's home, I'm getting after-dinner concerts as Sean accompanies her while she sings. I'm happy to clean the kitchen with that kind of entertainment happening in the next room!

She's working on a particular song and she's told me the show it's from, oh, a million times. And even as I sit here typing I cannot remember what it is! I'm sure she'll love being asked again.

Michael is off on a business trip. My baby is on a business trip with a rental car and hotel room and expense account. Dang.

The most important part of the trip for him is, of course, the car rental. He and Sean spent a good deal of time talking about what he should try to rent. And if he ends up with a non-GM product, Sean said, “We’ll call it Competitive Vehicle Evaluation.”

As soon as he got the car yesterday, he sent these pictures:
I experienced Duffy Shame when I called it the wrong car. Oh my word. After 28 years with this family, how could I possible get this wrong? But just like his Dad has modeled over the years, Michael was gracious in my car-naming defeat:
In my defense, it looks a little like the Countryman... 

I was going to post a picture of the Countryman, but I just looked at it again and can see it barely resembles it. My shame grows.

I'm sure Sean and Michael will see this as a perfect opportunity to say we need to spend more time in dealerships. 

Guess I know what I'm doing the rest of my summer.

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