Monday, April 04, 2011

Show Week

Well, show week is upon us, and I will be absent from this little corner of the universe for a while. I hope to post, but am trying to be realistic about my week. I'm the Production Manager for the show which means I'll be busy. Really, really busy.

Michael and Amy are both in the show and Sean's conducting the orchestra. Rebecca's been my faithful helper all year; thankfully, though, my Mom flew in Sunday night to play with Rebecca. She doesn't need to hang out in the theater all day.

If I've learned one this this year, it's that Homeschool Performing Arts is more than a production company; putting on a quality show is important, but leading and teaching and loving kids is the higher calling. Any prayers offered for me to love well this week will be greatly appreciated!

Tickets are still available, but they are going fast. The kids are doing a great job - and I cannot say enough about that orchestra conductor!

Hope to be back soon!


  1. Thanks for your faithful service Mrs Duffy! :) We all love you and appriciate very much what you are doing to make this show possible.

    Oh, and I think you should still bring Rebecca to the theatre. ;) We all love to see her around.

  2. Thanks for all your hard work. Rachel and Sarah had high marks for you yesterday.

  3. Is this the one with rats? Break a leg everyone!


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