Anyway, we drove down to South Carolina so my
Before we got there, Michael wanted us all to fill out the brackets, and when we got there, the first thing he did was pull out his bracket and add it to the stack David had on his coffee table. He was keeping track of several people’s brackets, including
So we dropped Michael off and headed down to Georgia. I had envisioned experiencing a balmy taste of spring, and in that hope, had only packed open-toed shoes. Alas, my toes were chilly. I don’t think it got above 50 all weekend long. But we did get to see beautiful spring color. I’d forgotten how beautiful the Bradford pear trees in early bloom were, and the daffodils, in yellow and white, were lovely. They certainly gave me the hope that spring is coming.
It was good to see my folks, even if only briefly. They were gracious to me as I flitted in and out. I had friends to see at 9 pm one night, 9 am the next morning, and another at 11, and yet another for dinner… one night I walked in late to find my Dad asleep in his recliner. That sight transported me back 20 years; it was just like high school when I’d walk in right at curfew to find him waiting up for me, albeit a bit sleepily.
I loved being back at church. Sean and I were trying to put our finger on what makes Perimeter so great – it’s a combination of reverence in worship and excellence in teaching, among other things. I wish we could find that up here. The church we attend now feels too much like a pep rally too often. There is certainly a place for celebration in the worship service, but when everything has to be happy, happy, happy all the time I think we miss the opportunity for reflection. But I digress.
All in all it was a full, wonderful, tiring weekend. Michael had a great time (and is currently beating my sister in the brackets) and I have a feeling this will become a tradition. Any reason to head South works for me!
Michael and his totally cool Aunt Heather
I have to trust your judgment but I seriously question the "coolness" of anyone who picks Virginia over my Buckeyes.
ReplyDeleteNow, watch out Mr. Buckeye! That's my sister you're talking about!