Wednesday, December 31, 2008

All I want is a couple days off

Today’s pack-up day. We normally leave at 8 in the morning and drive straight through, but we’re heading out a little late today so I can get the kids all situated for their week without us.

(I’ll pause a moment and let that sink in.)

If you could see me right now you’d see me grinning ear to ear whilst doing a happy dance.

This is the second year in a row we’ve given the kids one-way plane tickets in their stockings, a present they think is for them but let me assure you it is most definitely for me. They get extra time with both sets of grandparents and I get time to not answer questions or monitor bedtime or make lunch.

The only hitch this year is Sean is off during my no-kid escapade. Don’t get me wrong; I love my husband very, very much and I enjoy any time we get to spend together. However, last year I had every day to myself because Sean was at work. I spent as much time as I wanted on my photo albums and reading and, well, doing nothing, which I justified by scurrying around the house right before Sean got home, wiping the countertops with a Clorox wipe in a lame attempt at cleaning, then lighting candles so the house smelled like I cleaned, all while a Stouffer’s entrée was heating up in the oven. It was a good, good week.

(Before anyone tells me I don’t need to defend my reading and scrapbooking and general laziness one week a year: I know I don’t. But there’s a part of me that thinks I do. I pacify her with a jug of Clorox wipes and do my best to ignore her.)

So this week we’ll be together. I’ve set a few general ground rules that should help. Number one: I’m not ironing, so Sean can’t wear anything that needs to be ironed unless, of course, he wants to do it himself. Number two: I am not answering any questions beyond, “How are you?” to which I will reply, “Fabulous.” This week I am plum out of answers. And finally, number three: I am not fixing lunch for anyone but myself. I recently heard from a family friend whose husband just retired. She sent him back to work part-time because, as she said, “I said in sickness and in health but not for lunch.” I totally understand.

So tomorrow begins our kid-free couple of days. I feel certain they will be wonderfully relaxing and rejuvenating as long as the iron and the oven remain in the off position, that is.


  1. LOL! I love your rules, especially the one about questions! What is it with men and freakin' questions?! It must be some Mars/Venus thing but i've answered more questions in a decade of marriage than i did in the 4 decades before that, and those 4 decades included all my school years!

    Happy New Year, and have a relaxing break.

  2. You're going to love this - his first question today was, "What's for lunch?" !!!!!

    Good thing he's so darn cute.

  3. Anonymous8:32 AM

    OK, so how old were the kids the first time you let them do this? Can you tell I'm plotting already? Of course, Benjamin barely tolerates Jay putting him to bed at the moment, but we're working on it.

  4. Have a great day off today! What a great way to start off the New Year. Of course you will be watching the MSU/GA game together right? GO STATE right?? Ya DAWG.

  5. 2GAboys - we started leaving the kids with the grandparents for overnight visits a *long* time ago. Of course, it was a lot easier when we just had to drive 20 minutes for the switch! I highly recommend it!

  6. Traci - we're Georgia Tech fans, so our favorite teams are GT and whoever's playing Georgia. So go Green!


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