Monday, August 24, 2009

Where did the summer go?

I cannot believe that school starts tomorrow. I am not a happy camper. I think I’m more upset than the kids.

We’re attending a new one day a week home school school this year called Classical Conversations. Several friends in Georgia attend one and we’ve heard nothing but rave reviews. When we found out one was starting here we jumped at the chance to attend. The kids aren’t wild about the change – who likes change? – but they’re trying to make the best of it.

My biggest concern is the Latin. I do not know Latin. If I am to help them, as a good homeschooling mom should, I’m going to have to study right along with them. I would like to think I’d be excited about this opportunity to expand my horizons, but seeing as I am lazy beyond belief I am not looking forward to this.

Quite honestly, nothing has shown my lazy side more than homeschooling. Here’s what I’ve learned from homeschooling my precious kiddos: I am lazy and selfish. I really don’t want to work too hard and I want what I want when I want it and kids generally get in the way of me getting what I want when I want it.

Recently I heard a friend tell someone that she wouldn’t be homeschooling if she didn’t feel called to teach them this way. She was hoping to disabuse the person of the notion that all homeschool families sit around the kitchen table taking turns reading aloud (after eating a nutritious, hot breakfast), all while the scent of freshly baked bread wafts from the oven and dinner simmers in the crock pot...

Oh, pardon me! I just cracked myself up!

Honey, we’re doing good to shove some cereal in our faces before racing to the car to head wherever it is this supposed “home” school family is going that day. Fresh baked bread comes from bakeries. And the local pizza place is on my cell phone speed dial.

I should probably put a sweet spin on this, something like, “Yes, homeschooling is difficult but I love it! My children are enthralled with the prospect of spending every waking moment with me, and I with them. How wonderful! How precious!’’

Actually, I do think it’s wonderful. And I wouldn’t want to miss a precious moment. But it is hard and it’s not always fun. Even so, it is always worth it. Even if the bread’s store-bought and dinner’s cold cereal. Again.

And to Julie, my dear friend in Georgia who teaches Latin, please know I'm adding your number to my speed dial. Right next to Domino's.


  1. Can't wait to hear how the first day goes! Be sure to learn that Latin so you can teach my kids in a couple of years. :)
    Off to put dinner in the crockpot and get the fresh baked bread out of the oven. lol. ;)

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Fresh bread and smiling faces. Baahahahahahahahahah!!!! (I thought you needed to hear from your lazy kindred spirit... =) I always leave such profound comments...

  3. What??! You didn't start your day with whole grains and an apron???
    Did you at least have a family sing along of hymns or something?? You're shattering, Christy, just shattering...

    By the way-- I'm REALLY jealous you'll get to learn Latin. My schedule got wonky in school and I missed the chance to take it. It was a real sore spot when I found out it wasn't offered at SAC. I still regret not having Latin in my system.

    Enjoy it. (Think how much easier crossword puzzles will be!)

  4. Traci - just sat through the first Latin lesson... hokey pete. Hope your bread and crock pot dinner turns out yummy!

    MG - So glad to hear from you! Knew you'd understand.

    Terri - you crack me up! Whole grains, an apron and a hymn sing - too dang much. You know I'm going to steal that! Praying for you, friend.

  5. Chef Cookaloni1:39 PM

    EGO nunquam philologus Latin aut.

  6. Well, after all those funny comments, what can I say? Our Monday started with me getting irked at Ben for waking up late, THEN he taught himself a lesson about NOT being late:

    As I pulled into the school parking lot, he realized his baritone was still at home... Of course, the traffic was SLOW (following a garbage truck slow)... Probably got to carry that thing around all morning!

    Things that make moms have HBP! :P

    Hope the rest of your day went well!Love you!

  7. Didn't know you guys were homeschooling. We do, too. We were very afraid at first. If it WASN'T for the one-day-a-week tutorial, we wouldn't be. We started five years ago when our children were 13, 10, and 7. Our kids love self-paced learning and they're thriving. Our oldest just started college and seems none the worse for wear.


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