Friday, October 02, 2009

Friday Funnies

Okay, I'll admit it: I love Mad Men. I'm not sure why because it is horribly dark and not my typical TV fare but there's something about it that is intriguing. And it's apparently caught the creative eyes at Sesame Street. (Thanks to Michelle for posting it on her Facebook page!)

It's just one of those days when a shot of Brian Regan is needed:

And a little laundry humor to get me ready to tackle the seven loads awaiting my attention:

Have a splendid weekend!


  1. I laughed out loud at the sock cartoon!! Just last night I was sorting laundry and came up with two "socks without partners."

  2. I keep my socks w/o partners together in a drawer. . .for moral support, of course.

    And the best Sesame Street bit I've seen recently -- unfortunately, I see quite a few! -- involved Mike whats-his-face, the Dirty Jobs guy -- helping Oscar clean out his trash can. Here 'tis:

  3. Catherine - I have an entire drawer of socks without partners! I perform a speed-dating exercise for them a few times a month trying to match them up but my matchmaking abilities are generally failures.

    Tina - going to watch it right now! I love Mike Rowe!

  4. I don't know how you find them, but THANK YOU! :-)

  5. For clarification: I meant the Friday funnies, not the socks, which can never be found. Ever.


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