Monday, October 26, 2009

Opposing views

A week ago I saw a YouTube video featuring Will Ferrell and a bunch of other celebrities. I don't begrudge them their right to speak their minds, and honestly, I was dismayed by how good the video was (I was dismayed as well to see Jon Hamm, aka Don Draper, look so sweaty in the first five seconds):

I hoped a counter to the video would be produced, and one was:

They're both great spots and certainly get their points across but I can't help but wonder why conservatives aren't in the forefront of these kinds of creative ads? Sure seems like conservatives discount the effectiveness of humor.

When conservatives produce copy-cat spots, no matter how well-produced or well-written, it's lame. We need to be leaders, not imitators.


  1. Haven't seen the first video you mentioned, but did get a kick out of the one you posted :-) What a hoot!

  2. Creative is good but it has to, absolutely has to, be used in the service of the truth. And yes, i hold both sides, on any issue, to that standard.

  3. NftP - I totally agree. I think a disservice is done when cleverness trumps fact. (And you didn't have to give your clarifying statement - I know you hold both sides to that standard).

    By the way, I hope the fact that you saw this means your computer's sound is fixed!

  4. I try to include that "both sides" thing for other readers who may not know me as well as you do! 8~)

    I wish i had computer sound -- still using Larry's about once a week to check some sound links. 8~/


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