Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tomorrow's Thanksgiving

(I love it when I come up with catchy headlines...)

As a descendant of John Alden, who came over on the Mayflower (there’s my claim to fame, useful at Thanksgiving time only), I think it's only appropriate I offer a list of things I’m thankful for:

I’m thankful it hasn’t snowed yet.

I’m thankful I didn’t have to wear a coat last night when I went grocery shopping.

I’m thankful I had the money to go grocery shopping.

I’m thankful I had three kids and a husband in the grocery store with me.

I’m thankful we had fun playing, “Who can find it fastest?!” in the grocery store.

I’m thankful for my church family.

I’m thankful for my pastors.

I’m thankful for my family, immediate and extended.

I’m thankful for parents who ask us to come home for Thanksgiving but understand when the best decision for us is to stay here.

I’m thankful they pouted a little about our decision.

I’m thankful to be hosting new friends for Turkey Day.

I’m thankful I don’t cry every time I think of Georgia now.

I’m thankful that I’ll probably cry at some point during the day tomorrow.

I’m thankful for my iPhone and laptop which keep me connected to the reasons I’ll cry a bit.

I’m thankful for the group of college students who come over twice a month.

I’m thankful for the drama group Michael, Amy and Rebecca are a part of, especially the directors who are grace personified.

I’m thankful Rebecca’s hamster hasn’t died yet.

I’m thankful Sean still has a job.

I’m thankful I’m not pregnant, but that my sweet cousin is.

I'm thankful for friends, old and new.

I’m thankful for the folks who spend part of their day reading my blog. Seriously, truly thankful. I wish I could give each of you a hug around the neck.

I’m thankful I know where all these blessings come from. (Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17)

I’m thankful I know God.

I’m especially thankful God doesn’t give me what I deserve, because if he did, I wouldn’t have a list like this.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all.


  1. Amen and amen. Have a wonderful holiday, Christy!!

    Hugs to you,

  2. I -- and our three not-so-little-anymore kids -- are very blessed and thankful to have you as a wife and mom. Tomorrow will be a great Thanksgiving.



  3. Catherine - thanks, and I hope your Thanksgiving is a good one, too. Hugs back to you!

  4. Sean - love you, honey. And I hope tomorrow will be great. The fact that I'm suffering a flesh wound from the new chopper I bought is hopefully not a sign of how the rest of the cooking will go...

  5. I'm so thankful for a family like you in my life.


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