Yes, I’m aware it’s just a television show and doesn’t add up to a hill of beans in the real world, but for an hour each week I didn’t live in the real world – I lived in Samoa with Russell and Mick and Natalie and the others. And I had a definite favorite to win tonight: Russell. But he didn’t. Natalie did.
Did she deserve to win? I suppose so, considering the jury gave her their votes. But did she find the hidden immunity idols with no clues? Nope. Did she mastermind amazing votes that caused the game to shift in her favor? Well, once. Every other time Russell was in total command. Did she win individual immunity? No. But she was pretty and nice and completely flew under the radar. And for that she won a million smackers.
Russell so should have won. He found not one, not two, but three hidden immunity idols with no clues. He played hard from day one and made it to the final day, plus he won the final immunity challenge. He was nasty, nasty, nasty, but his whole goal was to outwit, outlast and outplay his opponents. And he did. They just didn’t like the way he did it.
Russell said on the reunion show that he thought his fellow players would respect the game and vote for him because he honored the game. I did, too. They should have had a modicum of admiration for the guy, even if they hated him, which, admittedly, I did for the first few weeks. But after seeing his determination to play the game every second he was out there, I fell in love with his game play.
He said he isn’t nasty in real life. I don’t believe that. But his attitude disorder served him well in the game and those he ousted should have given him points because he outplayed them.
I guess the jury couldn’t bring themselves to vote for someone so despicable so they voted for his accomplice, who was sweet but carried out all Russell’s plans. I’m usually on the side of the good girl, but in this case, the bad boy most certainly had my sympathies. Don’t get me wrong; I think Russell’s mean and I wouldn’t want to spend a lick of time with him. But he loves Survivor and took the game seriously. I think he should have garnered votes for that.
None of this matters in the grand scheme of things. Heck, by the time I wake up tomorrow this will be a faint memory. Believe it or not, I do have a life and lots to do before we leave for Atlanta on Wednesday. This isn’t going to make or break my week.
But it is a bummer tonight.
Oh, well. At least there’s Survivor’s Heroes vs. Villains to look forward to, February 11, 2010. Make a note of it.
Now, back to the real world. Where being nice matters. Russell should make a note of that.
Here's my two cents... because my jaw dropped when Jeff read, "Natalie" at the finale...
ReplyDeleteI agree. Russell was robbed. He might not have played nice but man, oh, man did he ever play! My theory on the quizzical choice of Natalie is this: We heard from Russell every week... he laid out his plans and we watched them being executed, flawlessly, each time. We have all the proof in the world that he was a brilliant Survivor player.
The jury, with all their hurt feelings and jealousy not only weren't able to admit that he outwitted/played/lasted them all...but they also had only suspicions of the depth of his ability to manipulate the tribes to his will.
I can't help wonder if they'd vote differently now after watching the season?
In any event, yes... it doesn't really matter. But oy! what a great hour each week, eh? Bring on Season 20!
Terri - Great summary. This jury was the first I remember to let their own hurt feelings get in the way of voting for the true survivor.
ReplyDeleteDidn't know you were a Survivor fan, too! Can't wait 'til February!
What a shocker! I thought Russell had it. We've watched Survivor every season and I can't remember a more strategic and hard playing opponent. I must admit that I didn't want him to win and was happy with the outcome. I liked his game, but his arrogance sickened me. My boys are tired of hearing me quote this one, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
ReplyDeletePatty - we've had the same conversation here! Would we lie, cheat and steal in real life like Russell did in the game? Would we on Survivor? Does our worldview affect every aspect of our lives or not?
ReplyDeleteWhile I totally agree that his arrogance is repugnant, I think in the truest sense of the game he outplayed everyone. But I suppose in the end, Natalie outplayed him!
Oh yes-- we've never missed a season and I think (through the wonder that is TiVo) we've only missed 1 episode.
ReplyDeleteJeff Probst and I are secretly married. We're very happy.
We should watch together in the coming season. :)
Terri - glad to hear you're both happy. Hope you don't mind I have a crush on your secret husband...
ReplyDeleteWe will definitely watch together! Can't wait!