Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What's a girth unit?

If you still have packages to mail, just wait. Don’t go to the post office. Please. It will only put you in a grinchy mood. Well, maybe it’s just my post office – I have yet to go there and leave with a smile on my face. Seems whenever I enter the building it’s break time and no matter how many people are in line someone’s walking away from the desk.

And people think that won’t happen to health care?!**

But I digress…

My mother-in-law sent this funny clip she got from her very funny sister, whose husband retired from UPS. It made yesterday’s time in the post office seem much less difficult. While I’ve heard Brian Regan do this routine, the cartoons added a little punch. (I do wonder, though, if the author knows he spelled girth incorrectly, or if that’s part of the joke?)

Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

**Sorry, Ruth! I know you don't like that comparison but it seems apt to me.


  1. Although I haven't had to worry about sending any packages this year, I very much appreciated the laugh!! Thanks!

  2. Oh, Christy, it doesn't matter a bit what comparisons i like! In the name of this holy season i'd like to be silent, but there are people who are lying to you, with all these bogus horror images of soviet-block style bureaucracies, and what i can't shrug off is that they are using Christianity to do it. They are tying it to a faith that means as much to me as it does to you, and using Christianity to try to create a belief that health care reform is unChristian. Here, in this season of love i find myself trying not to hate these people for what they are doing to defile the name of Christ. I think it's a defilement. Literally.

    And i'm sorry. I won't keep loading this stuff on your blog, i'll make this my swan song. But i want your readers to know that your liberal friend, here, is not a secular liberal but a believing Christian, and that some of us Christians think that the health system is corrupt, and that it exploits Christianity to keep its ability to extort from sick people.

    Merry Christmas, guys. We all believe, and we all want some good and fair system for care, and if we hang onto the truth of the Lord and Giver of life, it will all work out OK in the end.

  3. Sweet Ruth,

    I am so sorry. I really do just simply disagree, and not from a religious standpoint but from a libertarian one. Neither of the radio guys I listen to are Christians, so that's not where they're coming from (Neal Boortz, Dennis Prager.)

    Honestly, the religious folks I find using the issue as a wedge are over at

    Here's where the Christians, left and right, are wrong: we haven't done enough to make this healthcare debate meaningless. I include myself in this - how have I helped someone in need of health care? This is actually a question I've been mulling, and I don't like the answer.

    You load anything on here you want - I value your opinion as it makes me reevaluate mine. The older I get the more aware I am that I could, actually, be wrong. (My family just fell over dead...)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    And hi, Catherine! Glad you didn't have to mail anything!


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