Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Whenever we visit Sean’s family, he and his sister usually spend some time playing duets on the piano. They’re both very talented musicians and the duets start out quite nicely but the playing quickly takes a backseat to fits of laughter.

I’ve known both of them for over 20 years and have been so thankful for the fabulous sibling friendship they share. While Michael, Amy and Rebecca do have their moments, for the most part they are following in Sean and Jill's footsteps, becoming great friends.

They're also following in their musical footsteps. This weekend I heard something coming from the piano room that had to be more than one person playing at a time. And then the telltale laughter – and I knew they were playing duets. How fun!


  1. Be prepared for trios when I come. :)

  2. So cool when the kids sit down to play together!! I loved playing duets with my friends in high school.

  3. Elisheva - can't wait!

    Catherine - you musical people amaze me! My sister and I took for years but never enjoyed it enough to just sit and play like this. Now I wish we'd done it!

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    You have the coolest kids, Christy! :o)

  5. Amity6:29 PM

    My kids would never let me record that, knowing that it would be published for all my friends. That's just one reason why I think your kids are remarkable.


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