Friday, May 28, 2010

So thankful for Friday

It's felt like Friday since Wednesday so I am very glad to have Friday actually arrive.

This is hysterical. I love it when famous people don't take themselves too seriously, plus I just love Kevin Bacon:

I have to admit I've never heard Justin Bieber sing, but I do know he's all the rage. For now, anyway:

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs

A couple of thoughts about this video: First, I think we found Spider Man.  Second, and I admit this is totally a mom comment, didn't anybody tell this guy not to jump off buildings?!

Please tell me this girl doesn't vote:

Funny Facebook Fails
see more

A very happy Memorial Day weekend to you all!


  1. Oh my word, Damien Walters is ridiculous. I love watching youtube parkour. It seems impossible.
    And OH my word... THAT is why I am off facebook. haha

  2. That Damien Walters thing...yeah, I can do that!!

  3. Stephanie - the FB stuff is totally unbelievable! There really are some stupid people out there.

    Irene - I want to see you do that!

  4. Beiber Fever!!! I'm not a fan but I loved his skit on SNL with Tina Fey when she was the teacher...look for it, you have to watch it-it's awesome!!!


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