Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy birthday Friday

Today's my Dad's birthday.  This year is also the 30th anniversary of the release of the movie Airplane.  I remember watching it with him and laughing more at how much he laughed at the movie than the movie itself.  Of course, I didn't get all the jokes then... Sean got to experience Dad watching Airplane when we were dating; it was on TV and Dad laughed as much then as he did the first time he saw it.  It's still one of our favorite memories of my Dad.  He has a great laugh - it's nearly impossible to hear him laugh and not join in.

So, in honor of Dad, a pilot who flew for Delta for 30 years, here are some favorite clips from Airplane:

The pilots' names are Roger, Clarence Oveur and Victor:

And my favorite character from Airplane, Johnny:

Happy birthday, Dad!



  1. Happy birthday and happy Friday to your Poppa!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Is it scary that I knew most of those word for word?! I love that movie!! Amy K.


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