Friday, October 08, 2010

I need a laugh today

Y'all, it has been a week and I need a bit of a pick-me-up. These little gems helped me; hope you enjoy them, too.

Did you know there's an entire YouTube channel devoted to the Old Spice guy?  There are dozens of videos of him - this one made me smile:

When average will do:

Pretty Good Shopping.
see more Oddly Specific

A few weeks ago Jessica told me Brian Regan was going to be on Letterman's - Jessica is a friend who's in college and I think it's adorable she thought I'd be able to stay up late enough to watch it.  Thankfully, there's YouTube for people whose eyes close around 11:42.

And no, I don't have a clue what happened to his hair:

Little brain surgery humor for Traci:

Have a great weekend!


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