Wednesday, October 26, 2011

No, really, you shouldn't have

We had friends over for dinner last Saturday. Good friends. The first friends we made in Michigan as a matter of fact. Friends we’ve dined with countless times. Friends we’ve traveled with and left our kids with and counted on as our emergency contacts. Really. Good. Friends.

Or so I thought.

Mr. Friend brought me a gift, a little something Mrs. Friend said made him think of me:

Looks like a lovely little mug, no?


Can you tell what that is? Here's a closer look:

Yep. That’s a shark. In the bottom of that cup. Here's how it looks with some tea:

And now I’ve wasted perfectly good sweet tea because there is no way I can drink out of that cup. I can barely stand to look at the pictures I took of it. If there are mistakes on this post it's because I can't bring myself to proof it well because I seriously can't look at the pictures any more.

So, dear friends, thanks for the mug. Hope you won't be offended if I never, ever, ever use it. Ever. 


  1. that is hilarious!!

  2. I'm sorry, but I laughed out loud!!!!! Hope you find the perfect occasion to use it. Hot chocolate is opaque, you know...

  3. ...I am absolutely offended on your behalf. This is! ...well, except maybe it is a little funny.

  4. Chef Cookaloni11:12 PM

    Those friends of your are hilarious! In case the shark gets hungry...

  5. Meg - no, it is not. It is NOT funny!

    Elizabeth Joy - guess you know what cup you're getting next time you come for dinner.

    Rodney - I thought you'd appreciate it.

    Chef - yeah, they're hilarious. Just hilarious.


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