Monday, March 26, 2012


I'm not the most dedicated housekeeper. I'm not a big fan of house work - I was going to ask who was, but I actually have some friends who like cleaning the house as well as - gasp - ironing. I generally find something (anything!) to keep me from taking care of my part of the house.

This weekend, however, I chose to do the ironing I've ignored for weeks and cleaning I've ignored for, well, longer. Writing took a back seat.

Thankfully, the laundry's done and if I don't go upstairs, I can pretend the cleaning's done, so writing will commence later today.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I go in spurts. I can't handle a messy house, so we try to keep clutter to a minimum. But living in a dry climate means battling dust is a CONSTANT problem. Within hours of cleaning, a thin layer of dust has settled once again.

    I'd rather clean toilets (my most hated house cleaning job) than iron. I'm not sure why but I absolutely detest it! I hang clothes on the line, but do throw shirts in the dryer for 10 minutes first to get the worst of the wrinkles out. Unless we're going somewhere fancy I don't both to iron. Good thing we don't go to too many "fancy" places :)

    I'm pretty sure our mansions in heaven will be self-cleaning, don't you think? :)

  2. I'm with Kim. *Any*thing but ironing. But i've found I rarely need to. A few minutes in the dryer, to heat up the wet fabric, then I hang the garment and pull out the wrinkles. If I pull on the seams, plackets, and collar edges/tips, *they* air-dry looking hand-flattened and that pulls out adjacent wrinkles, too. I think i know where my iron is....


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