Monday, April 22, 2013

Another First

Today is Michael’s 19th birthday. Nineteen years ago, the nurse put that baby in my arms and said, “Here you go!” I was a week shy of turning 24 and had no idea what I was doing; were they really sending me home with a living, breathing baby?! Sean took five pages of notes on a legal pad. Neither of us comes from large families, nor had we done much babysitting. We had no clue what we were doing.

Aside from a falling-off-the-bed incident, (a trick both Amy and Rebecca repeated), and copious amounts of help for our parents (which they also, graciously, repeated), we managed to get through the first year without dropping him on his head or otherwise maiming him. Then the second. And third. And now, the 19th.

He was our first, and we went through all the firsts with him. Including this new first – the first birthday without him around. He’s at school, and as I write this, is sitting in his American Government class. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about being away from him on his birthday, but, turns out I’m okay. He’s where he needs to be. That was the point of raising him – to send him off.

Well, I was okay until I typed that. Guess I won’t really get over missing him being around. But that doesn’t change the fact that he is exactly where he needs to be. And so am I.

So, here’s to a new year for Michael, and another first for us. We are thankful for God’s grace that enables us to enjoy and endure these exciting times.

Happy birthday, Michael! We love you lots!

Proud (and tired) parents.

His second birthday at the Train Park in Duluth.

Michael was home this weekend for an early birthday celebration - 
Sean got him a Cadillac shirt. Some things never change.


  1. Wow, you've come so far! Also, remember that it is a really weird, hard and yet wonderful thing for him to be away from home on his birthday!

  2. Meg - I'm so thankful for the grace of God! And yes, it is a very good thing he's where he is.

  3. Ok, the dad teared up. I miss my boy -- but you're right. Thanks for including the fun pictures.

  4. Sean - The picture from the train park just kills me! You're a good dad. He's a lucky son.

  5. The train park. Oh. My. Word! Priceless, as are all of your beautiful children :-*

  6. Thanks for posting this, Mom. I missed you guys, but it was a really fun birthday. Glad I got to spend part of last weekend with you!


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