Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Blog titles and crazy kids

Still toying with the idea of starting a parenting blog. Pretty sure I’m going to take the plunge; I think I’ve got the design down, but am still working on a fun name and tagline that will capture what I’m doing. I asked Amy to brainstorm with me. “Remember,” I said, “in brainstorming, there’s no right or wrong, so just spit out anything that comes to mind.”

Famous last words.

Amy’s first offering: “Don’t You Want Kids Like Mine?!”

Okay, maybe there is a right and wrong in brainstorming.

Once we got past her first idea, I furiously wrote down a bunch of thoughts and ideas. I don’t have the neatest handwriting on a good day; when I’m writing fast it can be downright illegible. I was still scribbling down ideas when Amy decided to start reading them out loud. 

“Tales from a Power Lord? Mom, what are you talking about?!”

“It says Parenthood not Power Lord!” I said, incredulous that she could think I’d suggest such a title.

“Well, you talk a lot about parents being in charge so I figured you were taking it to the next level.”

“But I’m not taking it to that level. That’s insane!”

“You never know with you, Mom.”

That kid.

Definitely not going with Tales from a Power Lord. But I’m starting to like Amy’s first title. Because that episode reminded me that my kids are pretty great. Crazy, but great.


  1. Great picture of the crew. By the way "Power Lord" sounds like a new super hero - maybe one with electrical powers of some sort.

  2. Mary Ann12:00 PM

    Love this blog, Christy! Amy is a riot! And I agree that you have great kids!...the best!

  3. That's an awesome name! Haha
    Seriously, why not have some fun with it? An unusual name is a draw, not a hindrance. If nothing else you'll get those curious enough to check out your blog just based on an off-the-wall name :)
    That's why I visited BooMama the first time and I still read her blog four years later, because I really like her writing style and what she has to say.


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