As I was thinking about an upcoming shower, I remembered this post from last summer and thought it might be helpful to re-post. Remember: when in doubt, keep quiet!

Number 1: Buy off the registry. Strapped for cash? Buy
the least expensive thing on the registry. They really want that stuff.
Number 2: Not important – skip to Number 3.
Number 3: Under no circumstance should you mention that
the groom once dated or wanted to date you. Never say that. Never. Ever. Ever.
I was at a shower recently where everyone gave a brief bio
on her relationship to the bride. Most people knew her from her church or
college. Instead of sticking to that script not one but two ladies felt the
need to mention that the groom once asked them out. The first one who said
it got an uncomfortable laugh from the group. But the second woman’s comment
was truly cringe-worthy: “He tried to date me first, but when I turned him down
he went for you.”
How does anyone, ANYONE, think that kind of comment is
The bride was incredibly gracious and appeared to pay no
attention. I, though, was fuming. I thought about spilling my punch on her, but
my Southern-ness got the best of me and I let it go.
So, as you prepare to attend bridal showers this summer,
please remember to buy the lovely couple something from their registry and be
on time for all bridal events (that’s Number 2 but should go without saying –
early is on time; on time is late). And most importantly, leave the stories
about previous encounters with the groom at home. Seriously. No bride wants to
think she’s getting sloppy seconds, even if it’s clear she is the
better woman.
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