Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sometimes the solution finds you

You really can find anything on the internet. From long-lost friends to hard-to-find replacement parts – a quick search and within seconds, you’re mere clicks away from your treasure. And sometimes, all you have to do is write that you need something and the person with the solution magically appears.

That’s exactly what happened when I wrote about Sean’s electric organ being out of commission. A friend, Rachel, read that post and sent me her father-in-law’s contact info. Get this: he used to fix organs. Seriously. When I got in touch with him, he said our brand of organ was his specialty!

Stu came over to take a look – you should have seen his toolbox! Incredible. He started talking about electrolytic capacitors and multi-voltage power supply and other stuff I had no idea about, but the bottom line was he was really excited to see this type of organ. Sean was really excited to know someone knows about the instrument. And Stu gave us hope that perhaps it can be fixed.

(He also told us it was a really expensive organ – in the 60’s it would have sold for nearly $3000. Holy cow…)

He took a part with him to inspect more closely at his home workshop – of all things it was a GM Delco part! And since he was out in January, he’s sent several emails with possible issues/fixes. He even found an original technical manual for this particular organ. Stu is a champ!

Looks like it’s possible that our home will be filled with the dulcet tones of an electric organ once again. I’m actually looking forward to it.

I can’t believe I said that…

(Many thanks to Rachel - be sure to check out her very cool blog about the moments in their Chicago life that bring her joy.)

The insides - so crazy.

A little irony here.

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