Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Long and the Short of it

Well, school starts next week. We’ve been busy buying folders and highlighters and pens and pencils and protractors (yuck) and graph paper (double yuck). And of course, we had to get some back-to-school clothes because over the summer somehow all three of my children outgrew all their long pants. We ought to get a tax write-off for school clothes. (We ought to make our representatives enact HR25, the Fair Tax, and be done with all write-offs, but that’s another matter.)

Along with the clothes a few Duffys needed hair cuts. Amy wanted to try some long bangs, so her once all one length hair now has a few face-framing strands. They’re curling up and look absolutely gorgeous. What I wouldn’t do to have hair like hers…

Michael needed a major cut. Back in June he asked if he could let his hair grow out all summer; it got so long! Amy and I teased him that we were going to start braiding it. I didn’t mind it as much as Sean did; I’ve seen Michael’s friends at church and around the neighborhood. Lots of the boys are going for that shaggy look right now. Mr. Engineer liked it when Michael’s hair looked just like his. It hasn’t looked like that since Michael was in kindergarten but that’s what Sean remembers. I keep trying to remind Sean that we need to say yes when we can. This 12 year old thing is throwing us for a major loop.

Unfortunately the haircut lady cut Michael's sideburns a bit too short, so he'll have to let those grow, but other than that his cut looked good.

Here are the before and afters:

This is what the back of his hair looked like after 15 weeks with no haircut!

And this is what it looked like after his haircut.

What a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I thought one of the benefits to homeschooling was you didn't have to get haircuts and new clothes for school!


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