Friday, January 05, 2007

Vacation, all I ever wanted. Vacation, had to get the kids away.

(Be honest -- are you singing the 1982 Go Go's hit? Sorry about that.)

It’s Friday. The end of the week. The end of my vacation. Ugh…

One of the kids’ Christmas presents was a plane ticket home from Georgia. That way they got to stay an extra week and visit with my folks, Sean’s parents, and Sean’s sister’s family as well as two great aunts and a great uncle. Okay, who am I kidding? It was really MY Christmas present from my folks, Sean’s parents, and Sean’s sister’s family as well as two great aunts and a great uncle!

I have had a great week. I cleaned out Rebecca’s room – no small feat. I even sorted, boxed and labeled all the hand-me-down clothes that were just stuffed to the ceiling of her closet. Don’t tell her, but I also threw away a lot of papers that were stored on her bookshelf, under her bed and in her closet. (Her concept of storage is basically wherever a thing lands is where it is stored.)

Sean and I got all the Christmas things boxed and put back in the attic.

I cleared off the kitchen countertops, although they are getting a bit cluttered again.

I made doctors’ appointments for up-coming physicals.

I updated the family calendar.

I had lunch with Molly.

I developed the family budget for 2007.

I did some clothes shopping (a real chore for me.)

I went to the grocery store.

I interviewed three painters as I tried to find someone to paint the interior of our house. (After getting two of the quotes I’ve decided to paint most of the rooms myself…)

I colored my hair.

I really didn’t accomplish half of what I thought I would, especially since I didn’t start on my 2006 photo album. But it was a wonderfully relaxing week and Sean and I felt like we were on our honeymoon again. It was lovely to realize that we still have things to discuss and can enjoy one another without the children.

Michael and Amy have been just fine, but Rebecca’s really missed her Mommy, and I must admit I am thrilled to know that! Sean and I will be so glad to hug their necks tomorrow when they get off that plane.

And even saying that, I know by the time we get home from the airport I will be back in full mother-mode and my vacation will be a distant memory. If there were only a way to bottle the relaxation I feel right now … I would be a gazillionaire.

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