Friday, July 11, 2008

Come home soon!

Rebecca’s been gone for a week. My parents have taken her on a trip of a lifetime, touring Washington D.C., Gettysburg, Williamsburg and Philadelphia. They got her last Friday and since then Rebecca, my parents and my niece Megan have been seeing the sites of our Founding Fathers.

I’ve missed her sweet smile and wonderful hugs. We all miss her humor at the dinner table. I can’t wait to tuck her into bed again when she finally gets back home.

But I didn’t realize just how much I missed her until I saw this picture:

Oh my goodness – she looks so dang sweet! My heart just skipped a beat and I actually felt pained by her absence.

I cannot wait to see her tomorrow.


  1. I believe she has grown just since I saw her last month! Hug her an extra time for me tomorrow!
    L, AJ

  2. i was so lucky to see her in Atlanta. She is a really cool kid, i loved being her around her even though it was brief. that trip sounded awesome!


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