Saturday, December 06, 2008

Snow, snow, go away

The local paper is forecasting up to 6 inches of snow before midnight. Great.

I want to think it's pretty. I want to think it's Christmassy. I want to see it as another season I get to experience. But it's just so dang cold. And when it's all blow-y it gets in your face and goes down your collar if your scarf's not on right and it stings your eyes. And did I mention it’s unbelievably cold?

I fear I’m reaching broken record status, talking about how much I hate snow.

I hereby resolve to attempt to enjoy the snow. Or at least quit complaining about it. Except on Thursdays. I don’t think I can go cold turkey.


  1. I was so over Christmas YEARS AGO :-) And am really glad we're enjoying summer instead of winter right now. Hope you're feeling better after your fall the other day. In addition to a ski jacket you might want to get some heavy duty high traction winter boots for those treks down the driveway. Or just don't go out this winter. I actually managed to go out very little our first winter in Michigan. So much so that our group home kids were shocked one beautiful May afternoon when they returned from school and found me outside :-)

  2. You poor thing, this is how you are supposed to feel in late Jan/Feb. not December!! :)


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