The questionnaire came with a self-addressed stamped envelope. After I answered the questions, (“Do you speak English?” “Sí.”) I folded the paper back up like it came and placed it in the envelope. However, when I attempted to seal the envelope I realized the questionnaire wasn’t folded so that it would fit in the envelope.
Now, folks, folding an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper is not rocket science. It’s folding paper. And not even origami-type folding – it’s two simple folds to make the sheet fit into a standard-size envelope. I’m pretty sure I figured out how to do this in grade school. And I bet the jury board has a nifty little machine to fold all those papers – can they be so incompetent that they can’t use it correctly?
Government at work. And you want these people to run your health care system?
I’m willing to cut these folks some slack; anyone could mess up a setting on a folding machine. And scrapping the papers and re-folding a new batch would be wasteful. But screwing up folds on a jury questionnaire doesn’t compare to messing up doctor’s orders or a prescription refill or anything having to do with life and death medical decisions.
It sounds all gumdrops and lollipops to say, “Let’s have universal health care!” If you want the government to run your HMO or PPO, fine. But forcing that on everyone doesn’t sound very American to me. And I don’t want people who can’t figure out how to fold a piece of paper getting anywhere near my medical records.
I contemplated sending a copy of this along with my jury questionnaire. But I’m afraid I would never be selected for a jury again. And if (when) universal health care is enacted I’m sure this would put me near the top of the list titled, “Do not treat.”
The envelope with questionnaire inside - notice the blue line isn't visible. (Pretty sure I need to get outside and do something more productive now.)
I was summoned about 2 months after completing the questionnaire. My questionnaire didn't fit in the envelope either. Someone should really do some PM on that folding machine. I was also looking forward to jury duty but was dismissed because the judge called in sick.
ReplyDeleteThat was it? You didn't get called back? Bummer.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could perform the PM for them...
Wow, that's quite a stretch from the jury envelope to national healthcare! I guess you're entitled to be worked up about things since it's your birthday week :-)
ReplyDeleteIt's not that big a leap! Do you really think there will be special training for health care workers? If the local post office workers are any indication, health care won't be a problem because we'll all die waiting on someone to get off their break. You would not believe the post office in my town... now that's something to get worked up about!
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up!
ReplyDeleteWe wouldn't need as many breaks if we could still smoke in the office.
ReplyDeleteOh my. Your comments are entertaining too :-) So I am totally with you on the whole health care thing. What I don't understand is how anyone can look at the health care in any country with a nationalized system and possibly think it's a good thing.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I loved your comment that "this month has been more Corvette than Volkswagen." Great line!
Oh, Kim, I do have some comical commenters...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reinforcement about the health care issue. What's it like where you are?