Anyway, the last three weeks he’s had Fridays at home with us, which means he’s seen how life really works around here. Actually, he has seen the last two Fridays of summer and the first Friday of our new school year, so nothing has been terribly routine. But he’s seen enough and has made a suggestion. And the suggestion involved Excel.
Excel. We are in a world of hurt.
I don’t use Excel. It’s for math-y people. I’m a writer. I use Word. I use letters to make words. I do not use anything that requires me to know how to put cells together to make formulas work. Ugh, just writing about that makes my head hurt a little.
Anyway, I came downstairs Sunday afternoon to find he’d come up with a new chore chart. The chore chart I had on the fridge was apparently inadequate. It simply stated the week and who was responsible for what. It worked for the kids and me. Chores got done with little to no nagging on my part. None of the four of us was having a problem with the chore chart.
Sean, however, felt there should be a way for the kids to check off the chore they finished so everyone would know if the chore was completed.
I am not a list-maker. I probably should be since I forget so much stuff these days (need baggies – don’t forget baggies) but I’ve never been big on lists. My dear husband, on the other hand, loves lists. He’ll write a list of stuff he’s already done just so he has the pleasure of checking something off.
We are nothing if not living proof that opposites attract.
So he made a new list (titled Chore Tracking) with circles next to everyone’s name and the chore listed with dates. Sean’s convinced this will be a visual cue to the kids to make sure their chores are completed. Plus, they get the added bonus of checking something off! He was giddy with joy.

The kids looked past him at me with eyes that said, “You’re not going to make us do that chart, are you?!”
Well, yes, kids, I am. Dad’s come up with a method he thinks will be helpful so we’ll give it a try.
There’s just one flaw: I’m going to have to remember the checklist…
(Even though I'm not enamored with check-off lists I do have to admit it's a pretty cool looking chart...)
LOVE the chart thing. I think I'll do something similar. Claire is actually ASKING to be able to do chores. Since I'm also a list person, maybe this will work for us.
ReplyDeleteMolly - I'll send it right out to you!
ReplyDeleteCan I borrow Sean for a couple of Fridays?! I, too, am a list maker/checker offer!
ReplyDeleteHowever, I had FINALLY gotten my kids' chores divided up well, the kids accustomed to the 3wk rotation of assignment. THey weren't good about checking off lists, but at least we all knew who was responsible for what. Then, WHAMO!
Ben going to back to school has shot the whole system to pieces!
I need a new plan! :) Hope all goes well with your new plan!
Christy! Don't forget the baggies!
ReplyDeleteNext I'll add a trend chart where we can track continuous improvement over time. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteI hate to admit it, but I love the chart. And the title "Chore Tracking"...perfect! (now say that title 3x in a row) Look forward to hearing how the new, visual tracking chart works for ensuring chores are completed around the house!
ReplyDeleteThat chart is GREAT!! I can't wait until my kids are old enough for something like that. What are the three chores? Kitchen, laundry and what? I can't read the C word.
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ReplyDelete(Let's try this again...)
ReplyDeleteHey - where are all my non-chart readers?! For crying out loud, y'all are only encouraging Sean and before we know it he'll have charts and graphs all over the house. Knock it off!
Megan, the C is for Counters which means someone's responsible to wipe down each bathroom counter top/sink with a Clorox wipe each morning.
I thought of a problem - When do you get to check off laundry? or kitchen? Those chores recur throughout the day? My kids would either check it off after the morning load of laundry and feel un-obligated to help anymore OR would forget to check off at night as they go up to bed with the last of their clean clothes!!
ReplyDeleteWhat will Chore Tracker Man say to that?! :-)
We could split up the circle into quadrants, perhaps. That has merit.
ReplyDeleteCUT IT OUT! Quadrants... for crying out loud what is wrong with you people? That whole "opposites attract" thing is biting me in the butt today. And not in a good way.
ReplyDeleteThat must be why I love you :-) I LOVE lists and charts and Excel. They all make my life "seem" so organized...but it is all an illusion.
ReplyDeleteChristy, I used to do charts and lists, but who has time for them now? I concur with blessed2Bmom, the organized life as reflected in lists is an illusion. Planning is critical, but lets not forget that man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Thanks for continuing to make me smile and laugh!
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ReplyDeleteI've been working really hard over the past few months on a website called called PowrHouse ( I like to think of it as a chore chart with a brain :) It'll keep the chore chart organized and current for you, and you won't need to think about formulas or cells or any of that junk.
ReplyDeleteIt's currently in beta, but it works well (we're using it in our household). You add everyone you live with (kids, spouses, roommates, etc.), add your chores (names and how often they should be done), and PowrHouse keeps track of whose turn it is to do each chore (and sends email reminders every night, with links to click to signal that you've done the chores).
If you do end up using it, please contact me (my info is on the site) and let me know what you think, as I'm trying to make it as useful to as many types of households as possible. If not, thanks at least for reading this far :)