Friday, April 30, 2010

Ready for the weekend

High fives can be tricky:

Folks - spell check is available on your computer. And if you can't figure that out, use a dictionary!

funny facebook fails
see more

Buzz and Woody have been our friends for years and the whole family is looking forward to the release of Toy Story 3. Here's a preview (and I gotta say I love the use of the tune Dream Weaver):

I laughed out loud when I read this because it is so, so true:

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs

Happy weekend, y'all!


  1. Love the failbook one!!!

  2. MHWT - the failbooking site is hilarious but often raunchy. That's just my little warning. :-)

  3. Chef Cookaloni10:50 AM

    The high five thing was your best video yet!


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