Friday, April 16, 2010

With flying colors

Look who passed his driving test!

The parallel parking was no problem. The surface street driving was no problem. The highway driving was no problem. The boy did great!

Thanks for bearing with me on all these driving-related posts. The end of them is in sight - next Thursday we head to the Secretary of State's office for the official license. I'm sure that will warrant a mention, but after that I'll be able to move on to other topics. Like the fact that my twin sister is turning 40 in two weeks...


  1. So what's that big piece of paper he's holding? You have to pass the test and then go somewhere else to get a license? And I thought Georgia was backward about these things. . . .

  2. What is wrong with you?!! No need to continue to talk about the fact that your twin sister is having a birthday soon. By the way, aren't you older? So that means you'll be 40 first!! he he

  3. Tina - you would not believe the hoops Michigan makes us jump through. Segment 1 and 2 classes, and a supervised driving test all of which costs a pretty penny. Plus there's the 50 hours of daytime driving and 10 hours of nighttime driving that you're supposed to log... So that's the long answer. Here's the short: now that he has that piece of paper for completing the driving test he can get his license on his birthday.

    Heather - I thought you didn't know how to comment! I'll own "older" and take "wiser" along for good measure.

  4. YAY MICHAEL!!!!! Now its my turn! :)

  5. That's so great! Tell Michael congrats for me! :)


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