Friday, May 14, 2010

The sun is shining! And it's Friday!

Before we get to our end of the week laughs I wanted to let you locals know that University Reformed Church, my sweet church home, is having a Family-to-Family sale tomorrow from 9 - 12. All sorts of items will be for sale, including cookies and treats. Let me know if you have any questions.

Now, on to the fun!

For Emily and Rachel - thanks for loaning your mom to me last weekend!

Is it wrong that I keep laughing at this?

Fun with Math!

funny facebook fails
see more

And continuing on with the math theme (sorry to my friend at church who's actually doing this, by the way):

funny graphs
see more Funny Graphs

The sun is actually shining here and is supposed to for the whole weekend. I hope you have fabulous weather where you are. But regardless of the weather, I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I laughed especially hard at the guys with the spoons... oh man. Thanks for that Mrs. Duffy!

  2. Christine - I'm glad to know someone else enjoyed that clip. I actually laughed out loud at that one!

  3. What about thirty-twelve? That's a good number, too.

  4. LOVE THAT! Thanks for making me smile! Have fun this weekend!


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