Friday, June 04, 2010

It's June?!

How in the world did June get here already?  Ugh, I sound like an old woman...  Anyway, it's Friday and for that I am extremely grateful.

I love choreographed dancing in public places - oh, how I wish I could see something like this in real life!  So fun:

From the, "It's either laugh or cry," department:

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs

I've been looking at this for a while, trying to figure out just how this happened. No clue. Any ideas?

funny car photos
see more

This is cute, but chocolate is definitely preferred:

Happy weekend!


  1. What I want to know is: How is the back of the car barely damaged??? Hmm....

  2. I feel did it get to be June already!?! Wasn't Christmas just yesterday? Have a great weekend!

  3. OH my word, I LOVED that proposal! All I've seen is a lame proposal at P.F. Changs. Nothing that cool ;)
    I love your Friday posts. They're great.

  4. Libby - great catch on the back of the car. I still can't figure out what's going on with it. Hope it doesn't turn out to be a hoax.

    Alyssa - so excited to read your run update tomorrow!

    Elisheva - that milk ad will be a favorite for a long time!

    Stephanie - Glad to know you like the Friday posts. I absolutely love putting them together. Some would call it wasting time; I prefer to view it as research. :-)


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