Friday, November 12, 2010


Chris Tomlin is best known for as a worship leader and for writing great worship songs like, "How Great is Our God."  Looks like he should also be known for his sense of humor.  (And a personal aside - at 1:59 look for the tall, pointy building on the right.  Before I had Michael I worked there on the 18th floor.)

Wow.  I bet Michael's glad I don't care if he keeps his shirt tucked in!

fashion fails - Good Advice!
see more Poorly Dressed

Goes along with my Christmas light spotting:

funny graphs - The Annual Shopping Pilgrimage
see more Funny Graphs

Best part of this is Steve Harvey's initial reaction:


IRL Troll - It's a Steal
see more Memebase

Have a great weekend!



  1. Naked grandma!?! HA! Hilarious!!!

  2. Thanks, Christy! Loved 'em my daughter's going around the house singing "We be bowlin'!" :)

  3. Which building is that (where you used to work)? Sadly, I've lost my ability to identify downtown Atlanta unless I'm driving through and can read the name.


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