Friday, January 07, 2011

First Friday Funnies

There's just something so perfect about this sign:

epic fail photos - Oddly Specific
see more funny videos

Can you even imagine?  I know it shouldn't be funny but it is:

This is so stinkin' true:

funny graphs - Kills 99% of Nerves
see more Funny Graphs

The screen shot is creepy but it really is funny:

Y'all, these people are good!  Sean might take dance lessons with me again if he got to wear a Batman costume:

Happy weekend!


  1. Love, love, love the sign.

    Apparently a bridge near where my hubs grew up has several trucks a year get stuck under it even WITH a sign like that.

  2. Holy footwork, Batman! How does Spidey do it with his sticky feet?


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