Friday, August 19, 2011

Jo(h)n, Michael, inappropiate signage, stinky cheese and more

Saw this on FB this week and knew instantly I had to use it today:

(HT: Amy Jenkins)

Michael loves Monty Python, and he's played some of the skits so many times that Rebecca can now recite them with him. This one is a favorite. And I must admit, I would have shot the shopkeeper at camembert:

Hey, church staff: might want to sound out your slogan before you print it on a banner:

(HT: An anonymous pastor.)

I know the quality's not great, but the skit is. Who knew Michael Buble was so funny?

Big happenings here this weekend - look for pictures on Monday!

Happy weekend!


  1. What a great way to start my day today! Thank you. The church banner is priceless. A friend and I joked once that really conservative faith organizations needed to hire a person to vet that kind of stuff. :)

    Thanks for another great Friday. (Tell Michael I love Monty Python, too.)

  2. Have a good weekend BEE-ach...I mean at the BEE-ach! ;)

  3. Terimone - you are so right about having an outside source review such things! (Michael's pleased you like MP!)

    MHWTV - :-)


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