Monday, July 09, 2012

Where I've Been

Scenes from my iPhone:

Lovely friends seeing Wicked at the Wharton Center! (Sorry for the terrible picture quality - my iPhone doesn't do so well in the dark!)

Romney in DeWitt - that's him in the white shirt in the front of the bus.

Tea dispensers at Moe's.

Michael on his first day of work.

Just found this card I took from the files of WSAE - the last song I played as a DJ. SDA, bet you remember this!


  1. Abby, "Is that when you guys were at 'Grabity'?"

  2. What is Michael's new job?

  3. EXACTLY -- What's Michael doing?

  4. Sarah - just wait until she can defy grabity with us!

    bensmom and Tina - he's working at an insurance company this summer, which is doubling my ironing load!


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