Thursday, October 11, 2012

Yay for shopping online!

Clothes shopping has been a problem for me for forever – just ask my mom. If there had been a Nobel Prize for patience, she would most definitely have won it. Imagine shopping with a hormonal teenage girl who desperately needs jeans but hates going in the mall, much less the dressing room. I vividly remember one shopping trip to Northlake Mall; she was practically begging me to get in the dressing room to try on pants. I do not recall being terribly compliant. Not one of our better days.

Anyway, when I realized my number one chore this week was shopping for shoes for Rebecca, I actually thought, “I’d rather clean the bathroom.” And let me tell you: that is saying something. Because I love shoes. And I hate cleaning the bathroom.

It’s not that I don’t want to be with Rebecca; I love spending time with her. I just hate spending time shopping for her shoes. She has the narrowest foot in the universe. And by narrow, I don’t mean get an “N” and be done with it. I mean so narrow that the lady at Stride Rite said, “Wow, that is the most narrow foot I’ve ever seen.”

Yes, that’s right; we ended up at Stride Rite. We struck out at my favorite, Target, which is my go-to store for kids’ shoes. And I was determined to make those Mossimo shoes work. Shoes are not always about comfort; sometimes you just have to push through the pain to wear the cute shoes. But when you slip on the correct size and there’s enough room on either side for her other foot, well, I knew it wasn’t about comfort. It was about not walking out of her shoes and leaving them in the snow somewhere.

(Yes, that’s right my Michigan friends: SNOW. It’s coming people. This is my attempt to get myself mentally prepared to be cold for the next seven months.)

Long story short, we found one pair of shoes at Stride Rite that worked. Thank goodness for the one pair. And bonus! They’re adorable black boots! Of course, a girl needs black and brown shoes… so I came right home and did my kind of shopping: on-line!

And today, a cute pair of brown boots was delivered to my door. No shopping trip required. I may never go to a mall again!

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m anxious to clean the bathroom, though…

1 comment:

  1. Mary Ann1:34 PM

    I can really identify with Rebecca's (and your) problem...I've been dealing with it all my life...I feel lucky if I find ONE pair of shoes that fit! I guess there are worse problems we could have.


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