Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Random Thoughts, Vegas edition

Sean and I decided to quit giving each other Christmas presents and instead go somewhere together as our gift. For our first destination we picked Las Vegas.

Several people asked why I wanted to go there – like it was beyond the possibility that this non-drinker, non-smoker, non-gambler would want to go to Sin City. But I’ve always wanted to see the lights and spectacle of the place, so that’s why we picked it. That, and we got an amazing offer on a hotel room right on the Strip.

People, I am all about a deal.

In addition to the lights, we wanted to see the Red Rocks Canyon which we saw on Friday. We’re also going to the Hoover Dam. And we found out there’s a behind-the-scenes power plant tour in addition to the regular Dam tour. Guess who’s really, really excited about the Hoover Dam tours? That would be Sean, the engineer.

Going places with an engineer is always interesting. For example, yesterday as we walked by the Bellagio fountains, the maintenance crew was working on the valves. We spent a good five minutes watching them. Sean was mesmerized.

Later that night when we saw the fountains in action, among the oohs and ahhs of the crowd, Sean says: “Just think how fast those valves have to actuate!”

Sean watching the fountain workers.
I would comment on that, but really, what more can be said? He’s an engineer.

We've not seen as much of the craziness as I thought we would. Of course, we've been back in our room by 10 each night.

I’d forgotten how lovely it is to live in a world free from cigarette smoke. I feel like I need a bath after walking through a casino. Wow, does it stink.

Pretty sure we’re going to get the hang of the time change just in time to have to readjust to EST.

Many thanks to my Mom, who’s on carpool duty for Rebecca while we’re away.

Love my time away with Sean. Will love being back with my people, too.

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