Friday, January 12, 2007

Back to the Grind

The first full week of homeschooling for 2007 is drawing to a close and I am pleased to report the week has gone incredibly well. The kids needed no detox whatsoever after a week with the grandparents and aunts and uncles, a miracle in itself.

Rebecca got back in the swing of things first because she goes to school on Mondays. She enjoyed her day and was very excited to learn that oranges and our hands both have lines. (I’m hoping there was more to the science lesson that was simply lost in translation.) She also learned about pronouns, but was dismayed when a fellow classmate informed her he didn’t intend to use pronouns ever. (Good thing I like pronouns.)

Amy and Michael headed back to school on Wednesday. Amy got her history exam back and was relieved when she saw her grade: 107. She had been worried all Christmas break for nothing.

Michael’s math is so far beyond me … I just don’t have the words to describe how far beyond me it is. As a matter of fact, I intend to listen in when Sean and Michael go over his math on Monday. Right now he’s trying to go from a fraction to a decimal and a decimal to a fraction. I can handle ¼ or ½ or 1/3. But 3/8 or 2/9? I’m aware that this is a basic function I should have learned and quite honestly, I’m not sure why I didn’t. I don’t even remember going over it, ever. Of course, I took my last math class my senior year of high school so it’s not such a surprise I don’t recall it. I was a communication major in college and had the option to take a computer class to satisfy the math requirement. At least in that class I only had to concern myself with 1s and 0s.

So all in all, it was a successful week. I am very, very thankful for such a smooth transition from vacation to school. I hope we can carry these good vibes over to next week. And even though it was a good week, I can't help but look forward to our next big break: only five more months until summer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    If only we could swap places for math and lang. arts! Is it a state of being verb or a linking verb?? Ack! I have no clue!!


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