Often it feels like yesterday Sean was flying me down Pleasant Hill Road, racing us in midnight’s darkness towards West Paces Ferry Hospital. (We are still thankful for the policeman who didn’t stop us when we ran the red light at Buford Highway and Pleasant Hill.) Little did we know we had lots of time until Michael would make his appearance, but these first-time parents did not want to become a story on the evening news, the story of the father delivering his child in the backseat of a Buick on the side of I-85.
I was in labor for what felt like an eternity (36 hours) and finally, mercifully, we were told they were going to take the baby. Unfortunately they made their decision five minutes after our parents left the hospital, and this was in the days before cell phones. They drove to their respective homes, thirty minutes from the hospital, only to get a message to come back. Which, of course, they did.
The birth of a first grandchild is quite the event, and Michael was the first for both my folks and Sean’s. My parents were crazy; Sean’s parents were crazy; we were all crazy for this tiny bundle. Tiny isn’t exactly the right word because at 10 pounds he easily dwarfed all the other newborns in the nursery. But since he was the only baby I’d ever had, he was tiny to me. Ten perfect fingers, ten perfect toes; what an amazing gift.
Now, 14 years down the line I can honestly say he is still a gift. I know, you’re thinking all moms think that. Maybe, but I mean it from the absolute bottom of my heart. His sense of humor is beyond hysterical; he is sweet to his sisters; he is respectful of his elders. He is just a great kid.
But beyond all that’s wonderful about him, I am thrilled to be able to call him not only son, but brother, as he has heard the Lord’s call, the call of irresistible grace. Nothing could make this momma’s heart any happier than knowing Michael loves the Lord and strives to do his will. There truly is no greater joy.
Happy birthday, Michael!
I have to second that he's a great kid, and always polite to a fault. Happy birthday, Michael!