Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day recap

Ah, Mother’s Day. Another made-up holiday to line the pockets of Hallmark and florists everywhere. Mother’s Day ranks right up there in my book with Valentine’s Day as Most Despised Fake Holidays. Not that I’m cynical or anything.

But yesterday was Mother’s Day and the kids and Sean dutifully made me breakfast and the kids gave me a picture of themselves– definitely one of the better MD presents I’ve received. Then we headed to church and out to lunch. Sean, in a rare moment of Fake Holiday success, made reservations so we waltzed past the fifty people waiting for tables and were seated immediately.

Sean thought a picture of me with my offspring would cap off the celebration. So I stood outside with my three kiddos and Sean snapped this picture:

It’s a fine picture. Our neighbor’s house is in the background and that’s not so great, but all in all it’s a good picture. Then I got to thinking (always dangerous) if we were really going to take some Mother’s Day pictures we ought to take them where the mother actually works. So here we are at my desk:

I remember seeing my mom sit at her desk for hours doing “work.” I never understood what the heck she was doing; now I know. Insurance and bills and correspondence and the calendar – she kept everything straight and had us exactly where we needed to be when we needed to be there. I can only hope to do half as good a job as she did.

Then there’s the kitchen sink:

Of course there are dirty dishes, pots and pans. There are always dirty dishes. I’ll clean them up and magically more appear. Sort of like socks, which leads me to the next picture, the laundry room:

I spend a lot of time in this little hall of a room. Who knew five people could generate so much laundry? I am in a perpetual state of behind as far as the laundry is concerned.

We moved from the laundry room to the ironing board:

Notice there are no children in this picture. That’s because between the laundry room and ironing board someone touched someone and someone else was tired of taking pictures and the Mom was tired of all the complaining so the Mom sent herself to her room and took a nap.

The Mom should have thought of that earlier.


  1. Hooray for SUnday afternoon naps! And for the pictures of the kiddos...

    The first happened here yesterday, the second was discussed briefly before church and promptly forgotten!

    Love you guys!

  2. Too funny. And what a great idea! I'm glad you had a happy Officially Sanctioned Mother's Day and I'm glad that your kids honor you on the other, non-officially sanctioned mother's days-- you know, the other 360 some odd days...

  3. I'm right there with you, girl. The key is to retrain yourself to have low expectations and not to watch any commercials during the 3 weeks before the fake holidays. Also it helps to remember that every day we deserve death. And at least we are currently not in a concentration camp. (I never think about these things). And great pictures, by the way!

  4. LOL
    The only thing better than celebrating Mother's Day in May is celebrating U.S. Mother's Day in May AND Argentina Mother's Day in October.
    I am not above milking fake hoidays for all they are worth.
    I got to go to the zoo and out to lunch this fake holiday. I'm angling for a massage and lunch out in October.
    At least.

  5. 2GAboys3:57 PM

    Love the props everyone's holding in your kitchen pic! BTW, did your "free" weekend stay free?

    Curious in Duluth

  6. Tina - my free weekend did stay free, save a little computer problem. My iTunes crashed so I spent a long time working on that. Thank goodness for a back-up!

    Kim, I think a massage and lunch in October is certainly in order! I read about your trip to the zoo and was sad to hear about the eagle. But I loved your recap of the trip to the Toledo Zoo. Priceless!


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