Tuesday, June 09, 2009

This is your life

Seems like everyone has a blog these days. Some are okay, some are just wasting space on the web, but some should be read daily. My pastor's blog, DeYoung, Restless and Reformed, falls into the “read daily” category. Sometimes his posts are very long but I’m always glad I read through to the end; I’m regularly challenged to read carefully and to think deeply, two things the blogosphere rarely offers.

Yesterday he started a new series called Monday Morning Ministers and he’s going to interview regular folks from our church. It’s a great way to get to know a member I may not have met and to learn how he/she’s taking faith into the workplace. I knew this was coming because Sean was asked to be an interviewee; his answers were posted yesterday.

Here’s how Kevin introduces Sean: "Today I'd like to introduce you to Sean Duffy (43 years old). He is an engineer at GM, a good musician, has a wonderful family, and is an all around great guy.” I totally agree with all that, but just for the record, Sean robbed the cradle when he married me, a little fact that was left out of the final edit...


  1. LOL
    I went to college with you and I KNOW how old you are! Maybe he pulled you off a tricycle or out of a little red wagon, but it wasn't a cradle.
    Just sayin'

  2. HEY! Nobody asked for facts...

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Hi Christy,

    I continue to enjoy reading your blog entries. I have a funny sidebar for this one. Mark is five years older than I am, and though we will be 60 and 55 respectively on our next birthdays, I can still "Fool the Guesser" about my age at Cedar Point, as long as Mark doesn't approach the booth with me! Fortunately he doesn't mind that everyone thinks that he robbed the cradle. And be thankful that you are still looking at it from the "other" side of 40, my young friend!

    Laurel L.

  4. Since we were born within 24 hours of each other I feel qualified to attest that, yes, indeed, that Sean did rob the cradle. He's SOOOO much older than us.
    Ask him again for me, "What were the '60s like?"

  5. Laurel - you fooled me on your age! I would never have guessed you were 54, much less in your 50's at all! And thanks again for your kind words.

  6. Terri - thanks for the back-up! And to Kim we can both say, "Um, weren't you the non-trad in college?!"

    I cannot wait to ask him your 60's questions - always good for a chuckle.


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