Monday, September 14, 2009

My Personal Wardrobe Malfunction

I brought my computer into the family room to write something but I can’t remember what – I’m distracted by Tom Cruise in Top Gun… oh, honey, it’s such a shame he went all crazy Scientologisty on us.

Anyway, it was a wild week. The kids auditioned for a musical (Suessical the Musical – say that five times fast). They have to wait until Friday to find out if they made the cut – what they don’t understand is the waiting is just as hard on the mommy.

I helped at the auditions – filing paperwork, cleaning up. Mundane stuff but stuff that needed to be done and it helped me forget that the kids were nervous and that I was nervous for them.

This drama group is the most organized home school organization I’ve ever witnessed. They have policies and procedures that help it run like a well-oiled machine. One policy I’m thankful for is the dress code. No exposed midriffs, no low-cut blouses, no skin tight anything. And before we left for auditions I checked the girls’ shirts to make sure they fit the dress code.

Too bad I didn’t check mine.

I’d been helping for a few hours when the production manager, a good friend, took me aside to let me know my blouse didn’t meet the dress code. It was a bit too low-cut and if I wanted to wear it again I needed to put a tank top under it.

My first reaction: mortification. I could not believe I had on an offending top. I have never broken a dress code rule in all my life. But after I got over the shock of being told my shirt was showing too much décolletage I cracked up! I’ve wondered what it was like to be scandalous – now I know! (Of course, in a room full of home school moms it doesn’t take much to be scandalous but I’m not letting that take away my moment in the sun.)

The reason the shirt was a bit loose is I lost 15 pounds this summer. Great news, right? Not exactly. The entire 15 pounds came from boobs. No joke. I’ve got lots of places I need to drop 15 pounds; the girls were not one (or two) of them. I barely filled out a B cup as it was thanks to nursing for three big babies for three solid years. (Of course, what I mean by that is I’m so thankful I was able to provide my beautiful children with essential nutrients from my very own body…) I finally lost some weight that had been hanging on since Rebecca’s birth and my body decided it should shed the pounds from my chest? I guess it figured the girls were almost gone, might as well wipe ‘em out completely.

I told my friend I would most certainly correct my wardrobe malfunction, then let her in on why I was laughing about it. She’s also a mother of three and I could tell she totally understood.

I think I should start a club – Big Only Once, Baby or something like that...


  1. Amity8:16 AM

    You are so funny! I didn't see anything wrong with your top. I'd better be careful at HPA, I've broken plenty of dress codes (actually, I'd better be careful of what Grace is wearing, my girls break dress codes every day).

    BTW, I thought you looked thinner, and not just in your blouse. I was glad to find out I've lost about 10. Good job us!

  2. Of all the homeschool moms I know, you are the most SCANDALOUS!! LOL Love ya'

  3. Oh my gosh had me ROTFL!!!!! You have such a way with words and I've only nursed one baby and noticed my "girls" are just not quite what they used to be:0( Darnit, why does plastic surgery have to cost so much???

    I hope your kiddos all make the cut!

  4. Amity - yay us! Hope you can keep up your weight loss ways. I fell off the wagon hard this week. Trying to get back on.

    Irene - what can I say? I'm nothing if not scandalous! But I believe it takes one to know one... :-)

    Cathy - Looking forward to hearing your little one is on the outside soon! Kiss the girls good-bye since you'll be nursing #2 in a matter of days. (And thanks for the kind words for the kids - I hope so, too!)

  5. Great job on the 15 pounds! Go Wii Fit! Be sure to point out the scandalous blouse next time you wear it........ oh you'll wear it again, you know you will. :)

  6. Traci - for only knowing me two years you do know me well!

  7. What a hoot!!! I must have gained your 15 pounds (which I have over the past 2 years -- thank you stressful job!).

    I wish my chest would get smaller. Babies made my too big . . . not that Bob isn't complaining!

  8. dmptrs - I can't tell you've gained any weight from looking at your pictures. Regardless, you'll always be Miss High Point to me!


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