Friday, March 25, 2011


Y'all, I keep telling you how important those commas are!

epic fail photos - Magazine Grammar FAIL
see more funny videos, and check out our Forever Alone lols!

I don't even know what to say about this one:

funny facebook fails - Four Blondes
see more Failbook

"Who came up with the pronunciation of bologna?" Gotta love Jim Gaffigan:

And sometimes you just need some Brian Regan:

Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. Always love Gaffigan and Regan, altho' I'm still wondering what's up with Regan's hair. . . :-)

  2. The bolgna thing had me crackin' up!!! And I guess Emma is a blonde?

  3. Tina - I know about the hair - really weird these days. Did you see him on Letterman? He was platinum blonde!

    MHWTV - I'm with you on the Gaffigan clip. And I'm betting Emma's a blond, for sure!


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