Thursday, June 02, 2011

Check me out on BlogHer!

If you glance to the right of your screen you’ll see a section for the BlogHer Publishing Network. If you were to click over there (not yet – hang on!) you’d find lots of articles and blogs written by women from all over the world on every subject under the sun. Seriously – yesterday, I read about how to save money on my a/c bill, how to get organized for next year, and how to make a bacon spring roll. A little something for everyone.

Anyway, a few weeks ago my post about the talkative kid in the movie theater was featured on BlogHer, and yesterday I got an email saying something I’d written about homeschooling and summertime will be featured in the Family section.

So if you’d like to read what I’m going to make my kids do this summer, click on over and take a peek.  

Thanks to Jenna Hatfiled, BlogHer’s family section editor, for giving the green light to my posts!

I seriously need a new profile picture...


  1. Chef Cookaloni1:43 PM

    I know someone who could help you out with that picture.

  2. Really good to see that you're taking that opportunity to teach meal-planning! Boy do i ever wish someone had taught me. Of course my memory could be faulty since that was [mumble] years ago, but i recall Home Ec lessons in cooking individual dishes, but if we got meal-planning lessons they must have been VERY brief. And it is so valuable, to reduce waste, save money and balance nutrition. It oughta be Adulthood 101.

  3. congrats! you should be a writer. :) and you are.


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