“Children, obey your parents,” is a verse oft quoted by
parents. Of course it is! What parent doesn’t dream of the peaceful home full
of obedient children? We all do! But as we’re in dreamland focusing on the kid’s
responsibility, we overlook the requirement for us in that verse: we have to
give our children something to obey.
I have spoken to far too many parents who’ve told me
their greatest responsibility is to allow their children to explore and
experience their world. Setting limits would restrict that exploration.
Pretty sure you want to set a limit on your little one’s
exploration of the outlet. Or the stove. Or the street.
We are supposed
to set limits for them. We are supposed
to teach and train them. We are supposed to
tell them when something is dangerous and protect them from hurting themselves.
All of this requires us to give direction and then to expect obedience from our
little ones.
When parents balk at this, I remind them that I didn’t
dream this up - I’m not out to be the kiddo killjoy. This responsibility comes
from the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to
anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” We are
to be loving and responsible so as not to provoke them to anger, but clearly we
are to discipline them.
In our culture the word, “discipline” has gotten a bad
rap. But look at the definition: Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement. When you boil it down, discipline simply means
to train. And because Scripture tells kids to obey means parents have been
given the responsibility to train them in this obedience.
I love what my friend Katie had to say about this: “When
we ever get to a place of what seems like anarchy, I remind my kids that GOD
has given me authority over them!” Katie gets it; she has been placed in
authority over her kids. It’s up to her to quash the anarchy. (And knowing her
like I do, I have no doubt she does it with a great sense of humor.)
Be encouraged, moms and dads! God gave you your children and put you in authority over them. When we remember
that we are the ones responsible to teach and train our babies, we can
move forward in confidence. Don't be afraid to exercise your authority.
Your kids need you to be the boss.
In the coming posts, I’ll be talking about what loving discipline
and training looks like. Here’s a sneak peek: It looks a lot like a downhill
skier training before the snow even falls.
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