I hate Valentine’s Day. I have for as long as I can
remember. In elementary school, I vividly recall fretting over the fact that
some kids might not get a card. I high school, the whole event seemed
pointless, and in college, when Sean and I were dating, the day seemed
ridiculous. Yes, I was one of those, “If you love me, don’t just show me on one
day,” people. (I’m sure it was obnoxious.) I can only remember one time since
becoming a mom that I even tried to do anything Valentine-y, and that was
because Rebecca was so excited about it. But the bottom line is I can’t
remember ever liking the “holiday.”

I felt like such a, well, scrooge.
So this year, I’m packing away my bah humbug and pulling
out some Valentine cheer. I am celebrating Valentine’s Day for Sean. Of course,
the year I finally decide to make this a big deal he has plans on the actual night –
the orchestra he conducts for the kids’ show is rehearsing – so I decided to
make our Valentine’s Day today.
Surprise, Sean!
Now, honey, no going out a buying anything on the way home. This is not a trap and you will not be in trouble for not having anything for me. I
still hate the day and think it’s dumb. But if you can go to not one but two
Amy Grant weekends with me, the least I can do is celebrate the day of love for
you. Because I do love you. And not just on February 14. Because saying, "I love you," on the day everyone says you have to is stupid.
Hmmm... clearly I have some work to do on the Scooge factor.
Happy Early Valentine's Day, dear!
You are the most amazing wife. I love you and always will. Thanks for loving me back.